Terra Control GmbH


Terra Control geologische Beratung und Umwelttechnik GmbH

Jahnstraße 15
61239 Ober-Mörlen
Phone: +49 6002 9926305
Fax: +49 6002 9926309
E-Mail: kontakt@terra-control.de
Internet: www.terra-control.de

Concept, Text, Editorial

Terra Control geologische Beratung und Umwelttechnik GmbH
Jahnstraße 15
61239 Ober-Mörlen
Phone: +49 6002 9926305
Fax: +49 6002 9926309

Commercial Register: Friedberg/Hessen HRB 1747
VAT-Number: DE 157068817
Authorized to represent is the Executive Board.


All rights reserved, unless expressly stated otherwise. The texts, images, graphics, sound files, animation files and their arrangement on the Terra Control geologische Beratung und Umwelttechnik GmbH website are all subject to copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites. The contents merely provide a non-binding general survey of the Terra Control geologische Beratung und Umwelttechnik GmbH. No responsibility is accepted for the correctness and completeness of the given information nor for its representing the most recent state of affairs and services. This also applies to hyperlinks. Changes and additions are made without previous notice. Terra Control geologische Beratung und Umwelttechnik GmbH is not responsible for the contents of websites that are maintained by third parties and therefore waives its liability for any links from this website to other websites.

Design and Realization

Design: Zwiebelfischchen – Nicole Kreye
Realization: Webdesign Werneburg
This Website was built with 2F CMS: The Webpage Software.
